Assessing Your Organization's Finance
Course Overview

To be an effective leader, healthcare professionals must be able to monitor, analyze, and make decisions about the financial status and growth of their organizations. In this course, Dr. Robert Karpman, a surgeon and entrepreneur, explores the basic elements and practices of financial monitoring and management. 

The course begins with a look at common financial statements. You will then examine financial ratios and determine how they can be used for benchmarking and performance management. Finally, you will look at financial projections and how they are used to support business plans.  At the end of this course, healthcare professionals who have little or no financial experience will be able to analyze and work with their organization's financial reports.  

Who should enroll in this course?

Medical, nursing, and dental professionals involved in delivering clinical care who hold or who aspire to administrative or managerial responsibilities. Students may come from any size practice, and could work in either the for-profit and non-profit sector, primarily in North America.

Business Excellence for Health Professionals