Executing and Improving System Design
Course Overview

Be more creative, productive and efficient in your development projects. Create tight parameters in your project architecture and exercise rigorous control over processes and you'll not only enjoy better performance; you'll prevent wasted time, resources, and inventory.

As you move to production, your improvements to the system design will be instrumental in reducing, if not eliminating entirely, quality problems, product recalls and lawsuits.

As the final course in the certificate program, you will emerge with a functional and customized system design plan that you can apply directly to your business.

Project Management Institute (PMI®) Continuing Certification: Participants who successfully complete this course will receive 6 Professional Development Units (PDUs) from PMI®. Please contact PMI® for details about professional project management certification or recertification.

Who should enroll in this course?

This course is indispensable for individuals who design, develop and market products or services. This includes engineers, project managers, marketing and product line managers, design managers, even hands-on executives who are involved with system design processes.

Project Leadership
Master Certificate in Systems Design and Project Leadership