Earned Value Management
Course Overview

How do know precisely whether or not a project is on the path to success if you don't have any benchmarking tools in place? This course introduces you to several powerful performance metrics and analytical tools that can help you determine whether project goals and objectives are being met.

You'll learn how to use Earned Value Management, a highly effective project control system that uses measurement tools like breakdown structures, network diagrams, schedules, budgets, and Gantt charts to ensure that things are on track. Your ability to report on progress and project status will greatly impact your reputation as a project leader.

If a project falls off target, the project leader is responsible for maintaining a tight focus on tasks that add to the value of a project, and establishing a framework for keeping team members and other stakeholders aligned with project objectives.

This course is anticipated to be approved for approximately 6.0 Professional Development Units (PDUs) from the Project Management Institute (PMI®).

Who should enroll in this course?
<>This course is essential for Project Management Professionals (PMPs®), project managers, and functional managers charged with leading a cross-functional or project team to success. It is appropriate for business leaders, mid-level managers, and project managers who need to learn the critical leadership skills necessary to ensure high performance in a project team.

Project Leadership
Master Certificate in Systems Design and Project Leadership